Wednesday, February 11, 2009

flesh and blood clue

so we had a flesh and blood clue party last night. it's like the board game, but you have real people instead of pawns. it was fun for the most part, but it got to be a little long. we didn't get home to nearly ten.

I also started drivers ed (it's the Diver's Ed in a Box thinggy) and now I'm wishing I hadn't. I KNOW that I NEED to learn how to drive, but the text books and reading through the 105 pages of "driving laws" aint fun in the least! I was talking to JJ and he said it took him a year to get his license because he had to read though all that...*tries to think of a niceish word* stuff! mom wants me to be getting my licence my by be day which is in like 6 months. but I'm sooooo terribly lost! I have a feeling this will be a somewhat gruelling task. =P


SarahE said...

*Pat Pat* Feels your pain. :-(

SarahE said...

*Pat Pat* Feels your pain. :-(

Hannah said...

you didn't go though driver's ed aub!