Thursday, April 16, 2009

books books and more books

I've got a lot of books on my plate and I'm very happy. I haven't had this many books on my need-to-read list in a long time. if you're wondering what those books are, just look at my little shelf on the side bar.

some of the books on my shelf I've already read before, but haven't read in years. like the two by E. Nesbit. I really wanted to re-read those books, but the library around here doesn't carry them. =( what's worse is that i couldn't even remember what they were called. I just remembered that one of the books had a title that had something to do with a castle. but I couldn't for the life of me remember what. it turned out that the book was called the enchanted castle. now how in the world did I manage to forget that!?!?! oh well.

hopefully I can get an inter library loan or something for some of these books that I know I'm not going to find anywhere around here. or i can just ask mom to get them on ebey.

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